This is a research paper written by Matthew E. Semrau in June of 2010. You are free to use this article as long as proper citation and attribution are given. Should you plagiarize this article (use it as your own for school, profit, etc) you will be prosecuted to...
Video Games
Call of Duty did not cause Sandy Hook
Emotional knee jerk responses are plenty after such tragedies. People jump to conclusions with little to no evidence. People think that since it was a crime committed with a gun that the response is to disarm all of the people in the United States (forgetting the fact criminals who...
Fantasy Earth Zero (FEZ): Interesting for a free game
The game looks like it has some fun ideas. Like its completely centered around massive PvP. I also found the customization of your faction separate from your character creation fascinating. But in the end failure to launch and the usual anime idea of women as sex...